Introducing our success story – Meet Samir, a wonderful example of how child sponsorship can make a difference in someone’s life.

His parents had six sons and one daughter. They lived in a hut shelter. Father was a rickshaw puller. His daily income was not at all enough to feed the children.When he was five his father put him in a youth hostel where he could be sponsored, receive his education, and build a better life for his future. He stayed all the way through his graduation. It was a sacrifice for his father to make, but he knew his son would get the food, care, support, and education he needed to lift out of poverty.

His whole life, he dreamed of being a policeman. He grew up to become one and now helps people like him who are suffering in poverty.

Samir's story is a true testament to the power of child sponsorship. Despite starting life in a hut shelter and coming from a family with very limited resources, Samir's future looked bright when he was placed in a youth hostel where he could be sponsored and receive an education. It wasn't an easy decision for his father, but he knew it was the best chance for his son to escape the cycle of poverty. And Samir didn't disappoint - he worked hard, graduated with flying colors, and fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming a police officer. Now, he's using his position to help others who are in similar situations to the one he faced as a child. Samir's success story is nothing short of inspiring, and it highlights the important role that child sponsorship can play in transforming lives.

Now as a police officer, most of the people from lower cast go to him for help because he came from their caste.

He has been working as police for last 12 years. Now he has purchased a house for his family where he cares for his wife, children, and mother. He said it was absolutely impossible for him to receive free education without sponsorship. There was no hope of going to school. He could have gone for any daily wage work to support his parents. He was thanking God and all the people supported him for his studies.

Now that he is all grown up and has a stable and honorable job, he gives back to the hostel that gave him so much. He buys chicken for all the hostel children, sometimes provides food to hostel children, and also distributes sarees to poor and widows.

Growing up in a lower caste family, education was not an option for him without sponsorship. It seemed as though his only path in life would be to work daily wage jobs to support his family. But with the help of God and supportive people, he was able to receive an education and eventually become a police officer. Now, he uses his position to help those who come from similar backgrounds as him. People from lower castes come to him for help, knowing that he understands their struggles. His journey serves as an inspiration to those who face similar challenges and a reminder that we can all make a difference in the lives of others.


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